When you are facing financial hardships that make it impossible to pay your monthly bills, it is not uncommon to feel that you need to bury your head as if you were hiding in a bunker. Process servers may be staking out your home so that they can serve you with a debt collection lawsuit […]
Saving Your Home from Foreclosure by Filing Bankruptcy in Florida
For homeowners coping with financial problems and missed mortgage payments, the notion of claiming bankruptcy might seem like a last resort to be avoided at all costs. But in some cases, bankruptcy might constitute the best way to stop the foreclosure process and prevent permanently losing your home. Once a bankruptcy petition is filed, […]
Protecting Assets while Avoiding Bankruptcy Fraud
The United States Bankruptcy Code controls the entire bankruptcy process. Bankruptcy laws are meant to protect you and your creditors. Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar crime that typically involving concealment or transfer of assets, concealment or destruction of documents, conflicts of interest, fraudulent claims, false statements or declarations, and fee fixing or redistribution arrangements. If you’re caught committing bankruptcy […]
Bankruptcy and Foreclosure: How Bankruptcy Can Help
While the term “bankruptcy” seems to carry a negative connotation, it can surprisingly be the most efficient answer when dealing with foreclosure. We all see the hype in advertisements stating that delinquent borrowers can save their homes by filing for personal bankruptcy. It seems too easy. The truth is, it is easy and it’s […]